Deeper Roots' Origin Story

Dear reader –

I’ve never written a blog before. Embarking on this post feels like stepping into uncharted territory. After all, whose life is really that captivating? But as a recent guest speaker at our church humorously remarked, “we all wear watches but seldom have time for the things that truly matter.” How painfully accurate.

It wasn't until I heard a whispered revelation that I realized my struggle stemmed from trying to craft what I thought you would want to read. I was holding my truth hostage. Only when I committed to faithfully recounting the genesis of Deeper Roots Foundation did the floodgates finally open. After all, this is a story about finding purpose amidst chaos.

So today, I’m inviting you into a narrative that's deeply personal yet profoundly transformative.

Surviving the Valley of Loss

The last few years tested me in ways I never imagined. During the pandemic, I became caregiver for my cousin who was battling ALS—an experience that plunged me into a cycle of anguish and guilt. The weight of responsibility bore down on me, leaving little room for respite.

At the cruelest stages of the disease when he could merely blink to communicate, I learned to read his eyes. It broke me every time.

Yet in the darkness, there was hope. Despite his cruel prognosis, my cousin clung to the possibility of a cure, his spirit unbroken even as his body weakened. Through it all, my husband Greg (a US Army Veteran) stood as my pillar of strength, sharing the burden of care and offering solace when words failed.

But grief has a way of consuming everything in its wake. And after my cousin passed, I suffered day and night from flashbacks of what he went through: body, mind, and spirit. And the baby that had been simultaneously growing in my womb during my time as caregiver didn’t have a fighting chance. The loss of my cousin, coupled with the miscarriage of our unborn child, felt like an assault on my spirit.

Then an unexpected opportunity arose: a stint in Cape Town, South Africa, courtesy Greg’s work in film.

South Africa: A Journey of Revival

Initially, I was reluctant to go. I had been to Kenya years before and I didn’t think I could do a long stay with my firstborn, a very active 4-year-old. Eventually, I found comfort in the belief that perhaps this journey held a deeper purpose—a divine appointment waiting to unfold.

Cape Town welcomed us with open arms. Its beauty and vibrancy made it easy to immerse ourselves in the local community, and I fell in love with the captivating yet terrifying beaches and indescribable sunsets.

Just as we found our footing, fate intervened again in the form of the 2023 Screen Actors Guild strike, propelling us into uncertainty once more.

While in limbo with work, a friend in South Africa called and invited us to his property four hours north of Johannesburg. Now running a former big game farm, he was in the process of rewilding thousands of hectares to create a sanctuary for buffalo, antelope, lions, and rhinoceroses.

“Come, relax, wait out the strike,” he said. Saying yes was the best decision of our lives.


Sable Plains is a sanctuary nestled in the untamed wilderness of the limpopo, South Africa’s northernmost province. As we approached the property, hours from city life, the sunset gave way to every comprehensible color. At dawn, our real journey began.

Our guide led us on our first of many exhilarating game drives, unraveling the secrets of the land and its creatures. We heard the trees' whispers, felt the animals' breath, and sensed the weight of history in the soil. We aimed our cameras constantly, eager to capture every moment.

One thing about my family: We love to walk. As we explored on foot, we found precious moments to rekindle our bonds and exchange insights from our South African adventure. Surrounded by nature's splendor, Greg and I discovered something we hadn’t felt in a long time: peace.

The experience soon blossomed into something more profound—a vision that transcended borders. Like so many enlisted men and women, Greg had suffered the crippling effects of post-traumatic stress firsthand. My own encounter with PTS followed the loss of my cousin and unborn child. What if we could bring others who have suffered trauma and loss— like Greg’s fellow veterans—into this environment in Sable Plains? How might others benefit if we created a conduit of healing through nature, creativity, and community?

What began as a trip of uncertainty and chaos had evolved into a life-changing idea: Deeper Roots Foundation.

The Next Steps on the Whole Wild Way

As we prepare to embark on the next chapter of our journey, we do so with humility and gratitude. Deeper Roots is not just an organization; it's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless grace of a higher power.

Greg and I are honored to lead this organization, but it would not have a heartbeat without the brilliant people God brought alongside us. We’re blessed to take this wild ride with the Deeper Roots family. As works-in-progress on our own winding roads to wholeness, we commit to showing up for those who need help. We may not be able to change their circumstances, but we can provide opportunities to change their lens and help them to get through.

Together, we can weather storms, scale obstacles, and emerge stronger and wiser than ever before. This is our pledge and our purpose. And we invite you to be a part of it.

Thank you,

Sue Schwabe

Co-Founder and President

Deeper Roots Foundation


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